OMG WHEN IS THIS SHOWING COMING TO THE STATES?!!? I started reading Tilly's blog " Tilly and the Buttons " earlier this year and found out about ' The Great British Sewing Bee ' ( don't click the link unless you want spoilers! ) through her blog (because she was a contestant, how cool is that!?). I remember thinking, "oh man, I wish I could watch this show". Then the other week Gertie mentioned watching the show on YouTube , so I checked it out over the weekend and was totally hooked. COMPLETELY HOOKED! Except there are only FOUR episodes and at the time only 3 had aired. I missed the start of the recent Project Runway season so I haven't been watching. However, based on some reviews I have read recently it sounds like this season ain't so good. I had been getting a bit bothered at the amount of blatant advertising and the contestants seem to get wackier and less relate-able with each season so perhaps it's a good thing I missed this...