It's been a long, long time since I completed a quilt. I think the last quilt I completed was a gift for a friend who was expecting a baby boy, which was almost a year and a half ago! How funny that this quilt is also for a baby boy. I found out over the summer (early summer actually) that a really good friend of mine is expecting her first baby. When I found out she was due in October I knew I had plenty of time to sit on it and not do anything until just before her due date. Naturally, that is exactly what happened. My first baby quilt was actually pretty big. I had no idea what size baby quilts typically are so I just made it to fit a standard package of "crib size" batting, which is 45"x60". I remember finishing it and doing some free-motion quilting over it and thinking it was really big for a baby. Over the past year I have paid more attention to quilt sizes from some quilters I admire. It seems like 36"x44" is a decent size for a baby and de...