I once mentioned something about the Wall Street Journal to my husband and he asked if I wanted a subscription to it. " Oh Gawd No! " I exclaimed. He knows I'm a bit of a personal finance nerd, but I don't read the Wall Street Journal for finance, investing, and other money tips and news. I love clicking over to the WSJ website for the complete opposite reason: to find obscure articles that don't have much related to Wall Street at all. Not many {fun} articles are available to non-subscribers, so usually the pickings are slim. But this week there was an article about Marie Kondo, a Japanese lady who is apparently the Queen of Organization . I had never heard of her before and the further I got into the article, the more I felt like I was missing out on a recent trend. Organizing. De-cluttering. Tidying Up. Something I always want to do, but never really get around to doing for excuses A through Z. Check out the article because it's pretty inspiring, even...