I finally got an iPhone a week ago and am now taking way more photos with it compared to my dslr, which is good and bad. It's good because I get to take photos I never would have because I don't want to lug my dslr everywhere with me (especially when I'm holed up in my office for hours on end) and I can take photos a bit more discreetly. However, it's also bad because the photos aren't as great.
I admit that I half-assed my mine own assignment this week. First of all, it is a lot more difficult to find purple things to photograph when the rest of the world apparently does not share my love of the color purple. I resorted to taking photos of objects that were near me when I realized I had two hours left in the day to complete the "photo-a-day" challenge.
I discovered that the Flickr app allows you to apply filters to photographs similar to Instagram, I think. I've been having fun playing around with the filters, but I'm sure the enjoyment will wear off soon. I've heard Snapseed is a great mobile phone editing program, so I may purchase it eventually.
Here's a mosaic (collage?) of the iphone photos I took this week:

1. Day 35/365, 2. Day 36/365, 3. Day 37/365, 4. Day 38/365, 5. Day 39/365, 6. Day 40/365
I included descriptions of each photo on Flickr so I won't repeat it here.
Here is the one photo I took with my dslr this week:

I don't like buying the flag forever stamps because I think they are so boring, so I was pleased to be offered these Pixar stamps. Each stamp is really big, but they're so adorable! There are also stamps of Wall-E and Ed Asner's character in 'Up'. Seriously, there are so cute I almost don't ever want to use them.
My goal this week is to do a better job with seeking out purple in my daily commute. Maybe there will be a beautiful sunrise this week...
I admit that I half-assed my mine own assignment this week. First of all, it is a lot more difficult to find purple things to photograph when the rest of the world apparently does not share my love of the color purple. I resorted to taking photos of objects that were near me when I realized I had two hours left in the day to complete the "photo-a-day" challenge.
I discovered that the Flickr app allows you to apply filters to photographs similar to Instagram, I think. I've been having fun playing around with the filters, but I'm sure the enjoyment will wear off soon. I've heard Snapseed is a great mobile phone editing program, so I may purchase it eventually.
Here's a mosaic (collage?) of the iphone photos I took this week:

1. Day 35/365, 2. Day 36/365, 3. Day 37/365, 4. Day 38/365, 5. Day 39/365, 6. Day 40/365
I included descriptions of each photo on Flickr so I won't repeat it here.
Here is the one photo I took with my dslr this week:

I don't like buying the flag forever stamps because I think they are so boring, so I was pleased to be offered these Pixar stamps. Each stamp is really big, but they're so adorable! There are also stamps of Wall-E and Ed Asner's character in 'Up'. Seriously, there are so cute I almost don't ever want to use them.
My goal this week is to do a better job with seeking out purple in my daily commute. Maybe there will be a beautiful sunrise this week...
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